Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Hey Guys! This is my first gaming post! Ok so I do not consider myself a "gamer," at all. But I do enjoy playing games on our PS3 and XBOX 360 and my laptop. This first review is one of my personal favorites. And it is the first game I have ever actually completed on the Xbox. This game is Tomb Raider.
It was such a fun game, you seriously need to try it. It came out March 2013 and I played and finished it that summer.
Here's a quick summary: The main character, Lara Croft, is stranded on an isolated island with only her crew mates while looking for the lost kingdom of Yamatai. She has to survive and find way to escape the dangerous island.

I loved the game. My brother was playing the game when I was and we both had a great time. It was full of action and fighting and the game itself was gorgeous. There were also a lot of complicated puzzles in it. But all in al it was a great game and I recommend it. I'm actually playing it for a second time now.
Lots of love,
Disclaimer: I am NOT being paid to review or recommend this game, it is my own opinion. Thanks!

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