Tuesday, December 31, 2013


2014! What? I cannot believe that it is already a new year. I barely could remember that it wasn't 2012! It's about this time of the night- 33 minutes before the ball drops, to be exact- that I start to feel sentimental about the year. I mean 2013 went by SO fast. I still cannot believe it. BUT to make light of the new year, I have found a new DIY to share!

Okay, so some people may have already seen this, but I absolutely adore this project. It's a good memories jar. Every time in 2014, that you have a good memory or experience, you write it down and place it in your jar. Then at the end of the year, you open the jar and read all of the good memories. It is such a great way to get sentimental and remember all the good times before the new year.

I only wish I had done it this year, but oh well, at least I will have 2014 to look forward too! Since it is New Year's eve, I am planning to make my jar tomorrow, but if not I will upload the DIY this week. The project is SUPER simple. Honestly, you could just use and empty jar and a Sharpie to write "2014 Memories" on it. I want to make it a little more fun though, I am going to try an either paint on it or add lots of cute designs; I'll share soon.

Anyways, because its the new year, It is time for a resolution! Mine is one that most people say. I just want to eat healthier. Honestly, I actually want to try this year. It's a pretty simple resolution, but people think that the second they eat one bad thing, it's over. BUT I shall try. I guess that's what New Year's resolutions are for! Trying things! It's not like I'll go to jail for breaking it… hopefully…:)

Thank you guys so much! Comment your resolutions! I would love to hear them! I hope you all have an amazing new year!

Lots of Love,

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