
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Summer is Finally Here!

Summer! The sweet breeze and warm sun have finally come! I am so excited to finally be done with school- specifically junior year! I was recently a junior and I am definitely glad it is over! The rumors were true- junior years is the most stressful. This year I piled on Advanced Placement and Honors classes on top of my part-time job and extracurriculars- including being prop master for the school play and musical. So I am glad for this break!

I really hope my future college sends me something like this! ^
More excitingly, I am finally a Senior in high school! Woohoo! After all the years of elementary and middle school and almost all of high school, I am finally here!

So this means time to pick colleges and send out those dang applications- which means keeping my fingers and toes crossed for acceptance letters! I guess I should probably start my applications since I need to send them in by AUGUST. Luckily I mostly know what colleges I want to apply to, but I'm still looking- I actually found a really cool college yesterday that I want to apply to in Florida. So yeah! I guess I should do that before summer ends, but summer just started last week for me, so I think I'll be a little lazy and wait.

Most Importantly: This summer I decided to be productive. I am re-doing my WHOLE bedroom! Since my family moved into our house 5 years ago, my room has mostly been the same: white walls, ugly comforters and no decor. BUT this year I am changing that! I finally decided to do it because usually during summers I just sleep all day:) BUT thankfully to my Pinterest addiction, this year I have come up with about a billion ideas to jazz up my room. ( I'm so OCD that I even made a powerpoint and placed every pin from Pinterest that I want to attempt) And I am so excited to make my room cute by doing all of these DIYS!  But do not fret, for I will share these DIYS as I attempt and hopefully succeed at them.

Also this summer I will be pretty busy since I am volunteering as a Counselor in training at our local zoo for three weeks! It will be fun since I get to work with little kids AND animals!

And also: I am going to the Fall Out Boy Monumentour Tour. I am so so so so excited since they are my favorite band on earth. I actually saw them last year with my second favorite band- Panic! at the Disco. Oh gosh- best night ever! Just saying- if you love FOB or P!atD, we may just be best friends.

Anyways, those were just some updates on my crazy busy summer so far! I am so excited to get Summer of 2014 on the road! Now lets start DIYing!

Lots of Love,

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