
Saturday, May 3, 2014

WMS Mysteries

Hey guys! So I decided to write a post on the things I've been questioning. Hey, this could be series! Anyways if you agree and also question these or have others I should add, comment below! Now I only have one example for the time being but I'll post more soon as I think of them! So, here we go:

1. To start off this series: What is the point of protective covers for paper? You know, the little clear plastic sheets that you slip your important papers in? Now, I understand the "purpose" of them: to protect so your papers don't get wrinkled and what-not. What I am questioning is what's the point of them if I end up wrinkling my important papers just trying to stick the piece of paper in the dang protector. I mean I've never thought of this but we are currently turning in Senior project portfolios at school, full of resumes and recommendation letters. So yeah, unless you are amazingly skilled and patient then go ahead, if not, then steer clear because your new, crisp papers will turn into a wrinkled mess soon after.

Hope you enjoyed! Don't you agree! Maybe I'm not patient enough, but I do appreciate these thin pieces of plastic haha.
Lots of Love,

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