Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Summer is Finally Here!

Summer! The sweet breeze and warm sun have finally come! I am so excited to finally be done with school- specifically junior year! I was recently a junior and I am definitely glad it is over! The rumors were true- junior years is the most stressful. This year I piled on Advanced Placement and Honors classes on top of my part-time job and extracurriculars- including being prop master for the school play and musical. So I am glad for this break!

I really hope my future college sends me something like this! ^
More excitingly, I am finally a Senior in high school! Woohoo! After all the years of elementary and middle school and almost all of high school, I am finally here!

So this means time to pick colleges and send out those dang applications- which means keeping my fingers and toes crossed for acceptance letters! I guess I should probably start my applications since I need to send them in by AUGUST. Luckily I mostly know what colleges I want to apply to, but I'm still looking- I actually found a really cool college yesterday that I want to apply to in Florida. So yeah! I guess I should do that before summer ends, but summer just started last week for me, so I think I'll be a little lazy and wait.

Most Importantly: This summer I decided to be productive. I am re-doing my WHOLE bedroom! Since my family moved into our house 5 years ago, my room has mostly been the same: white walls, ugly comforters and no decor. BUT this year I am changing that! I finally decided to do it because usually during summers I just sleep all day:) BUT thankfully to my Pinterest addiction, this year I have come up with about a billion ideas to jazz up my room. ( I'm so OCD that I even made a powerpoint and placed every pin from Pinterest that I want to attempt) And I am so excited to make my room cute by doing all of these DIYS!  But do not fret, for I will share these DIYS as I attempt and hopefully succeed at them.

Also this summer I will be pretty busy since I am volunteering as a Counselor in training at our local zoo for three weeks! It will be fun since I get to work with little kids AND animals!

And also: I am going to the Fall Out Boy Monumentour Tour. I am so so so so excited since they are my favorite band on earth. I actually saw them last year with my second favorite band- Panic! at the Disco. Oh gosh- best night ever! Just saying- if you love FOB or P!atD, we may just be best friends.

Anyways, those were just some updates on my crazy busy summer so far! I am so excited to get Summer of 2014 on the road! Now lets start DIYing!

Lots of Love,

Saturday, May 3, 2014

WMS Mysteries

Hey guys! So I decided to write a post on the things I've been questioning. Hey, this could be series! Anyways if you agree and also question these or have others I should add, comment below! Now I only have one example for the time being but I'll post more soon as I think of them! So, here we go:

1. To start off this series: What is the point of protective covers for paper? You know, the little clear plastic sheets that you slip your important papers in? Now, I understand the "purpose" of them: to protect so your papers don't get wrinkled and what-not. What I am questioning is what's the point of them if I end up wrinkling my important papers just trying to stick the piece of paper in the dang protector. I mean I've never thought of this but we are currently turning in Senior project portfolios at school, full of resumes and recommendation letters. So yeah, unless you are amazingly skilled and patient then go ahead, if not, then steer clear because your new, crisp papers will turn into a wrinkled mess soon after.

Hope you enjoyed! Don't you agree! Maybe I'm not patient enough, but I do appreciate these thin pieces of plastic haha.
Lots of Love,

Friday, May 2, 2014

Prom Checklist!

     I had my Prom this saturday, April 26th! It was actually my second prom because I went last year as a sophomore with a bunch of my Junior friends. This year's theme was The Great Gatsby and let me tell you, it was gorgeous! There were little table toppers that had dangling jewels and flowers on top! And there were scenes of the movie playing above the dance floor. There was even a cute photo booth where we could use props (pictures below)! It-was-so-much-fun. I literally -yes, I used "literally"- danced the whole time. I went with a few of my closest friends and we had a blast! We met for pictures at my friend's house, ate dinner at Chili's, got gelato and after prom went to my friend's house again to play board games until 3:00am. Oh, and it is so much walking into the restaurants all dressed up while the people at the next table are wearing jean shorts. My friends and I got so many compliments walking around before prom!

Anyways, since I had such a great time I decided to share a check list/ to-do for Prom. If your prom has already passed or you haven't had your prom yet this is still great to look at and use for your next prom!
Here we go!


I cannot stress this enough: Plan Ahead. I am a MAJOR procrastinator and I am telling you from personal experience that this is not a good time to procrastinate. Both last year and this year I waited until the weekend before to buy my dress... Smart huh?

In my defense this year I began searching for dresses I liked in January. I just never found the time to go and try them on. BUT I ended up going to David's Bridal and the third time I went I found a dress that I loved the second I put it on.

AND you have to get your dress first so you can decide on your shoes, jewelry, hair accessories, clutch, and your hairstyle! So one more time: remember to plan ahead.

This also includes appointments!!! Make sure to set your hair, nails, tanning and makeup appointments at least a month or two in advance! A lot of other girls form your school and others will need to get their hair, nails, tan, and makeup done on the same day!

NUMBER 2: Be Prepared for Change and or Failure (dun..dun.. DUN!)

Along with planning ahead, you need to decide on your plans:

Where are you going to take pictures?
Who are you going to take pictures with?
Who are you going to prom with?
Where are you eating before prom?
How are you getting to prom- Do you have a ride?
Where are you going after prom? Party? Sleepover? Bonfire?
Do you have a ride home/ where you are going to stay?
Do you like your makeup/hair/nails/tan?- I threw that one in. If you hate the way your stylist did your            makeup or hair either speak up and tell her (if you have time) OR make sure you or a friend is                able to have time to fix it beforehand. I have heard a couple horror stories about how people hated          their makeup, so plan ahead and bring a few pictures for reference. This is your day- you should            look the way you want.

See there are many important things you need to plan and have multiple back-ups in case: your restaurant is booked, your friend can't drive you or it is raining and you can't take your pictures where you planned. Just be ready because prom is a super unpredictable day.

NUMBER 3: The Date

Now last year and this year I just went with friends and I do not regret it one bit I do admit it's a bit awkward when the slow songs come on and you're just standing along the side with your friends but mostly that's all a date is good for. A lot of people would ditch their date for a few minutes to go dance with their friends while their date danced with theirs. But either way you will have a blast, you are just able to let go and enjoy it a little more when just with friends.

But if you do have a date you need to consider a few things too like:
-Buying a corsage/ boutonnière.
-Matching with your date. You need to find your dress quickly so you can telly our date what color suit, vest, and tie to buy. But most guys wait until the last minute, so don't fret.

NUMBER 4: Enjoy!

Most importantly, have a great time! It sounds cheesy but it's true! You only have two proms (unless you're lucky like me and can go to three, or even four)! In the end it doesn't really matter what you look like- as long as you dance all night and are able to enjoy yourself! And don't worry if you don't have a date! Like I said before, it's a little more fun not to have one because you can be care-free and dance how you want! Just grab a group of friends and party!


Now that I've said some things to remember now here's the checklist!
1. The Dress (girls, your dress does not need to be 14quadrillion dollars. It's one night but make sure        to find a dress that you love!)
2. The Shoes- if wearing heels- practice, practice, PRACTICE before prom!
3. Jewelry- earrings, necklace, braceletes, rings. etc.
4. Hair
5. Hair accessories- headband, hair clip, pins
6. Makeup
7. Nails
8. Tan- I personally did not get a spray tan. Some advice: do not get your first spray tan right before prom or you risk turning orange. Make sure to go a few months in advance and test it out.
9. Clutch/purse- to hold you phone! Also include some makeup for touch-ups!
10. Boutonnière- for you date
11. Your TICKET! -Do NOT forget it! our tickets were raised to $100 if you bought them at the door!
12. Money- for dinner and dessert and other activities!

The End:
So there is my prom checklist! I hope this either helped you or inspired you for next year! Have a great time and remember to be safe!!

Lots of Love,

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Lovely Mugs DIY

Lovely Mugs DIY

Hello there! So today I have a cute DIY project! I found these little mugs on Pinterest and it's the simplest project! And you only need a few materials.

-Permanent Markers (preferably paint markers)
-Blank Mugs (preferably white)

For this you can have any colored permanent marker. I chose red and black since the mugs were Valentine's Day Presents from a couple months back. 

I used regular sharpies since they were just lying around my house. The only downfall is that it can easily be rubbed off even after baking it. So if you use plain sharpies only use the mug as decoration- like a pen holder. [I did not try this but online it says if you are using regular sharpie- draw your design and let it dry. Then draw over the design a second time and let dry. Also only hand-wash.]

Now go crazy an doodle! Draw some hearts and funny notes and cute messages. And don't worry if it's messy! Since it's a DIY, the messier the cuter! 

When you're done drawing, let the sharpie dry for between 30 minutes- a couple hours. Then preheat your oven to 350 degrees F.  Then bake it for 30 minutes.

This is such a cute and inexpensive gift! Just fill it with tissue paper, candy, and hot chocolate and Voila! You're done and everyone will love this cute personal gift. The Instagram post from above was from my friend Ashley. I gave her this particular mug, candy, and a cute picture of us (from Nerdy Day at school) and she loved it.

I hope you enjoyed this post! I promise I will post more often. Thanks!

Lots of Love,

Monday, February 24, 2014

Well, Where Have I Been?!

Hey! I haven't posted in over a month... I can't believe it! I've been so busy and I just kept forgetting to post! I've had a couple cute DIY projects I've done and keep forgetting to post. I really will try to start posting more often and will hopefully post a couple things this weekend. Sorry about that folks! Thanks for hanging in there!
Lots of Love,

Thursday, January 2, 2014


Hey Guys! Today will be my first movie review! Last Week, I went to the movie theatre and saw Saving Mr. Banks. The movie is fairly recent, it came out December 20th and stars Tom Hanks and Emma Thompson.

The movie explains the process of Mr. Walt Disney trying to obtain the rights to make the movie "Mary Poppins." This proves to be difficult since the author, P.L. Travers, does not readily approve. The movie also explores Travers dramatic past, and her inspiration for her beloved Mary Poppins.

The movie was great; I loved it. It was fun to see Disney try to create Mary poppins, which I have always loved. But, I believe it is not meant for kids; it is rated PG-13. Not that it is inappropriate, it just is based on more adult topics like business, etc. It is a true story and my little brother did not want to even see it.

All-in-all, The movie was very informative and infused with comedy. I definitely recommend this movie. Both Hanks and Thompson were phenomenal and everyone else in it too. It just came out so go see it! If you love anything Disney, I know you'll love it too.

Lots of Love,

Tuesday, December 31, 2013


2014! What? I cannot believe that it is already a new year. I barely could remember that it wasn't 2012! It's about this time of the night- 33 minutes before the ball drops, to be exact- that I start to feel sentimental about the year. I mean 2013 went by SO fast. I still cannot believe it. BUT to make light of the new year, I have found a new DIY to share!

Okay, so some people may have already seen this, but I absolutely adore this project. It's a good memories jar. Every time in 2014, that you have a good memory or experience, you write it down and place it in your jar. Then at the end of the year, you open the jar and read all of the good memories. It is such a great way to get sentimental and remember all the good times before the new year.

I only wish I had done it this year, but oh well, at least I will have 2014 to look forward too! Since it is New Year's eve, I am planning to make my jar tomorrow, but if not I will upload the DIY this week. The project is SUPER simple. Honestly, you could just use and empty jar and a Sharpie to write "2014 Memories" on it. I want to make it a little more fun though, I am going to try an either paint on it or add lots of cute designs; I'll share soon.

Anyways, because its the new year, It is time for a resolution! Mine is one that most people say. I just want to eat healthier. Honestly, I actually want to try this year. It's a pretty simple resolution, but people think that the second they eat one bad thing, it's over. BUT I shall try. I guess that's what New Year's resolutions are for! Trying things! It's not like I'll go to jail for breaking it… hopefully…:)

Thank you guys so much! Comment your resolutions! I would love to hear them! I hope you all have an amazing new year!

Lots of Love,